Hazir Swaroop Sant Sai Sadhram Sahib is renowned for his beaming and captivating smile, which signifies that there is always hope, unconditional love, and eternal joy in our lives. Everywhere he goes, his divine aura purifies the atmosphere and fills it with positive energy. Those who remember Sai Sadhram Sahib with a pure heart and seek his blessings are showered with his grace, which uproots their sorrows.
Hazir Swaroop Sai Sadhram Sahib always emphasizes the importance of regular Naam, dhyan Simran, as it brings one closer to Parmatma with total devotion. He guides people to make their lives worth living through his enlightening and blissful Satsangs.
We are familiar with the divine leelas of Lord Krishna and recognize him as the Avtar of Bhagwan Vishnu. It’s remarkable how Lord Krishna possessed so many qualities and powers, and his magnetic personality attracted people of all ages and genders, who continue to adore and worship him to this day. As the Avtar, Krishna was born on Earth to protect humans and Devtas from evil forces.
Similarly, Hazir Swaroop Sai Sadhram Sahib is also an Avtar who has incarnated to uplift humanity by spreading conscious awareness about the power of Naam, Dhyan (meditation), and Simran. His aim is to help humans lead a meaningful life, fulfill their life’s purpose, and attain Moksha (liberation).